Make America Great Again

Titled; Make America Great Again 

Titled; Censored 

This artwork is to provoke the thoughts of what social media shows the public. creating an intentional blurriness that obstructs the view, suggesting hidden aspects of the story. 

The inspiration of this artwork was when Instagram began to glitch and many posts was censored during any wave or trending movements. 

Titled: Three Factors. 
Exhibited at 21C Museum. 

This artwork is emphasizing on the three factors of a colonized environment. 
The first factor is Confirming Identity by using the text and the Palestinian scarf is confirming identity. The text here is in Arabic and it types Palestine (Philistine; in Arabic) repeatedly, it's one way to confirm identity as a response to the maps removing the name Palestine off the maps completely, over time, the name Palestine changed to Occupied Palestinian territories to now the West Bank and Gaza without the word Palestine being present. In this artwork, I am writing the name to preserve its' existence. 
The second factor is Painful environment by using the crown of thorns and the barbed wires. 
The third factor is the wait and uncertainty by using the chair and Palestinian female model. The Palestinian woman is blindfolded unable to see the future, sitting down, waiting in uncertainty, sitting in a painful environment and carries emotional pain on her head.

Titled; Assassinated 

This artwork is only represented by the Arabic text, the Palestinian scarf (keffiyeh), the crown of thorns, and the Middle Eastern color in the background. This artwork speaks the reality of the Palestinian truth. What happens to the Palestinian people. 

Titled; The Wait 

In this artwork, I remove the background completely and focus on the empty space. awaiting,,, 

as many elements are gradually being lost. surrendering. become confronted with the space that's left behind. 


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